The Linux/SSH APT Update Event Monitor runs "apt-get update" on your Linux devices and alerts if there are updates available. It can help you stay on top of pending updates and required reboots. You can even configure the event monitor to automatically apply updates it detects.
To begin, choose the level of alert you want to receive if the SSH server is unreachable.
Connection Alert Settings
Use the next option to receive alerts if updates are available.
Update Alert Option
If updates have been installed since the last time the event monitor ran, you can choose to receive an alert to notify you of the applied updates.
Installation Alerts
The next option will notify you if any of the applied updates require reboots.
Required Reboot Alerts
Check the box next to the following option to automatically apply available updates.
Automatically Apply Updates Option
Check the final box to receive a list of pending updates in the event text generated each time the event monitor runs.
Pending Update Option
Enter the port number and timeout you want to use here.
Connection Options
This tutorial taught you how to set up a Linux/SSH APT Update Event Monitor so you can begin monitoring for important updates. For additional resources on this event monitor, check out its Technical Resources article.
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