The Linux/SSH Bandwidth Event Monitor connects to a remote SSH server and monitors the bandwidth used by the server/workstation. It takes two traffic samples from a remote machine and then calculates the bandwidth used for the period between the samples. It can detect incoming, outgoing, and total bandwidth and offers options to alert if any exceed specified values.
To begin, select the level of alert you want to receive if the network device cannot be contacted.
Connection Alert Settings
The next three options let you specify levels of incoming, outgoing, and average bandwidth that will trigger each level of alert.
Bandwidth Settings
Under "Interfaces to Ignore", enter a comma-separated list of the interfaces you want the event monitor to skip over each time it runs.
Ignore Settings
Under "Connection Options", specify the port number that will be used to connect.
Port Field
This tutorial went over how to begin monitoring bandwidth for Linux-based devices. To view more documentation on this event monitor, check out its Technical Resources page. Keep an eye out for new tutorials dropping weekly on the Features page!
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