The Azure Activity Log Event Monitor keeps track of your Azure Activity Log and can alert you based on initiator, status, or log category. Read on to find out how to configure an Azure Activity Log Event Monitor for your own use.
Under "Authentication", select an authentication profile of the Microsoft Azure Credentials type or use specific values for Subscription ID, Application (client) ID, Directory (tenant) ID, and Client Secret Value.
Azure Credentials
Next, choose the level of alert you want to receive if the event monitor cannot connect to Azure.
The final option is the one that best showcases this event monitor's power. With our Azure Activity Log Event Monitor, you can use the following form to alert about specific events. Choose the level of alert you want to generate, then choose the event level, initiator, and category of the events you want to monitor. The event text will display the chosen number of matching activity logs each time it runs.
Specific Events Fields
This tutorial taught you how to get an Azure Activity Log Event Monitor up and running! In need of more documentation on this event monitor? Check out its Technical Resources page. Don't forget to keep an eye out for new tutorials coming to the Features page regularly.
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