Azure VMs Status Event Monitor
Keeps Track of the Status of Your Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
About the Azure VMs Status Event Monitor

The Azure VMs Status Event Monitor watches your Azure virtual machines and reports on their statuses. This tutorial will teach you how to configure this event monitor and begin receiving alerts based on state changes, status checks, and more. Read on for more information.

Event Monitor Settings

To begin, choose the level of alert you want to receive if Azure cannot be contacted by the event monitor.

Connection Alert Settings

The next option will send you an alert of your choice if the state of any of your VMs changes.

State Change Alert Option

The third option sends an alert if any virtual machine is found to have a failed status check.

Failed Status Check Option

The final two options from this section control alerts about the creation and deletion of VMs respectively. Use them to receive a notification when a new machine is created or if one is ever deleted.

Creation/Deletion Settings

Once you're done with the main options, choose whether or not you want a list of all virtual machines added to the event text, which is generated each time the event monitor runs.

List of All VMs Option


With that, you're ready to begin monitoring the statuses of your Azure VMs. This tutorial taught you how to monitor state changes, creation, deletion, and status checks for all your Azure virtual machines. For more documentation on this event monitor, refer to its Technical Resources page.

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