The Microsoft Intune Compliance Event Monitor watches each device connected to your Microsoft Intune account and alerts about compliance metrics. These include registration, encryption, device compliance, and whether or not the event monitor detects the device in Intune. This tutorial will show you how to configure settings for your own compliance monitor.
The first thing you need to do is specify the level of alert you want to receive if the event monitor cannot connect to Microsoft Azure. You'll also need to choose the level of alert you want to receive if one or more devices added to this event monitor aren't found in Microsoft Intune.
Lost Contact Settings
Next, use the next two dropdowns to choose the level of alert you want to receive if the device is found uncompliant or unregistered.
Uncompliant and Unregistered Settings
Choose the level of alert you want to receive if any device is found to be unencrypted.
Encryption Setting
The next two options control alerting about Intune MDM, Microsoft's built-in Intune managing software. Check the next box and select an alert level if you want to receive notifications about devices that are not being managed by Intune MDM. The suboption beside this one lets you exempt devices that are managed by Intune and another agent (dual-managed) from this alerting option.
Intune MDM Settings
After you've configured MDM alerting settings, you can set the maximum amount of time that will be allowed to pass between check-ins. If a check doesn't occur in time, you'll get an alert that corresponds with how late the check is.
Time Between Checks Settings
Finally, the Intune Compliance monitor has customizable certificate alerting settings that will notify you if the certificates for any of your Intune devices will expire soon.
Certificate Alert Settings
That's all for the Microsoft Intune Compliance Event Monitor! We hope you find it useful. If you're in need of further documentation for this event monitor, visit its Technical Resources page.
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