The VMware VMs CPU Usage Event Monitor watches CPU usage metrics and sends customized alerts. This tutorial will teach you the ins and outs of its settings.
First choose a level of alert to receive if your network device cannot be contacted by the event monitor.
Connection Settings
The first option lets you set levels of average CPU usage that will trigger each level of alert. Enter the percentages of average CPU usage that will trigger each alert level.
Average CPU Settings
The next option controls alerting about maximum CPU usage. Choose the percentages of maximum CPU usage that will trigger each alert level.
Maximum CPU Settings
Next, enter the levels of average CPU readiness that will trigger each level of alert.
Average CPU Readiness Settings
The final option controls alerts about CPU ready time. Enter the ready time in milliseconds that will trigger each level of alert.
Average CPU Ready Time Settings
Additionally, the option is available to exclude certain VMs from monitoring. Under "VMs to Ignore", enter a comma-separated list of virtual machines you want to ignore.
Ignore Settings
Now you can begin monitoring CPU usage metrics for all your VMware VMs! To view more documentation about the VMware VMs CPU Usage Event Monitor, visit its Technical Resources page. Keep an eye out for new tutorials coming to the Features page each week!
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